
Privacy Policy

Welcome to “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”. Your privacy will be properly respected and protected in here. Please read the following information to know how we collect, apply and protect your personal data.

Application scope

The following privacy policies are applicable to the collection, application and protection of personal data by “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”, but not applicable to websites of governmental agencies of all levels and pay websites that are linked with this website. When you file online applications on websites linked to “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”, websites independently run by governmental agencies of all levels or those jointly run by our website and other agencies, organizations or companies, privacy policies of these websites will apply and “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” bears no joint liabilities.

About the collection of personal data

  • 1. If you just visit or download files from “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”, our website will not ask for your personal data.
  • 2. If you file online applications for services offered by “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”, you will offer actual personal data, such as: name, ID card number, phone number, e-mail, address, and registered permanent residence, etc.
  • 3. The website will record such data as your IP address, time spent online and the web pages that you have viewed, etc, which will be used in the analysis of website flow volume and online behavior by the management department of our website for improving the service quality. In addition, we just analyze general behaviors of all users of “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” and will not analyze individual behaviors.
  • 4. “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” is obliged to protect personal data of applicants. We will not correct or delete your personal data and files without your consent or if not alluding to any of the following cases:
    • 4.1.Permitted by the law.
    • 4.2.Protect the rights and interests of relevant people.
    • 4.3.Protect the rights and interests of our website and relevant units.
  • 5. Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” will not use your personal data for selling, exchanging and leasing, except in any of the following cases:
    • 5.1.Required by judicial authorities in their investigations in accordance with laws.
    • 5.2.Required by relevant administrative authorities in their investigations or applications according to their degrees of authority.
    • 5.3. When we think out of goodwill that such behaviors are required by laws or will be beneficial for the maintenance and improvement of the website.
  • 6. Your personal data are transmitted to “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” via 128 bit SSL data encryption system, excluding the possibility that any third party may obtain your personal data illegally during data transmission.

Applicants' liabilities

  • 1. Users of, and applicants applying for, services via “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” have the duty to maintain and update personal data, keeping them correct, up to date and complete.
  • 2. In case that data offered by you are wrong or not actual, relevant operation units of “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” have the right to refuse to offer you all or part of services concerning that account number.
  • 3. Both you and relevant operation units of “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” shall safe-guard the password and account number.
  • 4. In case that your password or account number is stolen or other problems concerning the safety of your password or account number occur, you shall send an e-mail with notification to the mailbox of “Passenger Services and Information Consultation System of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.” without delay.
  • 5. You shall take proper measures to prevent your account number from being stolen or misused. If what you use is a public computer, remember to close the browser after each use for fear that your personal data or e-mails may be obtained by others.
  • 6. You shall observe internal laws and laws of other countries and take responsibilities for all affairs relating to your account number and password.

Consultation and relief concerning privacy policies

Please file your questions about, or suggestions for, the above-mentioned clauses via the passenger services and information consultation system. You may report to us any violations of the privacy policies by any unit of “Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.”.

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